At Newcomen Primary School, we take great pride in our uniform, which we expect all our pupils to wear. We believe that it promotes our family identity and actively discourages discrimination and peer pressure. We also want to ensure that our uniform is accessible and affordable to everyone.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
- Required – Grey trousers , skirt or pinafore. Please no jeans or jogging bottoms.
- Required – Purple sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo. This can be purchased from any supplier you wish.
- Required -White polo shirt. Yellow polo shirt in Y6.
- Required – Flat shoes; preferably black shoes or black trainers. Shoes that are brightly coloured or contain flashing lights are discouraged. High heels should not be worn for health and safety reasons.
- The above items can be worn all year round.
Optional items include:
- Book bag
- Drawstring PE bag
- Warm weather: purple gingham dress and grey shorts.
All items of clothing should be named. Unfortunately, school can take no responsibility for lost or damaged uniform.
Please note that extreme haircuts such as excessive beading or shaven marks in hair are not appropriate for school.
PE Kit
School have provided children with their own individual PE kit to wear during lessons. Please ensure that your child has this kit in school on their PE day and it remains in school throughout the week.
- Trainers must be worn when using our Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).
- PE kits should be kept at school for the week and go home on a Friday to be washed.
- PE bags should be limited to drawstring styles with thin handles which will easily fit onto the narrow pegs.
- Jewellery is not allowed in school for pupils. It can be a safety hazard and if lost or damaged, causes distress.
- Ear studs are allowed but must be removed for PE and during swimming lessons by the child. Covering with plasters is not allowed. The problem of newly pierced ears can be avoided by waiting for the summer holiday. Nose studs and other piercings are not allowed.
- Please ensure that temporary tattoos are removed before sending your child to school.

- We welcome all donations of second-hand school clothing items.
- Second-hand school uniform is available to all our families. Please contact the school at your convenience and we will be happy to support you with this.
- Please note that children are not allowed mobile phones in school.
We do not require school uniform to have the school logo on.
If you wish to purchase school uniform with the school logo on please use:
19 West Terrace
TS10 1DP
Tel: 01642 487720
To comply with the DE guidance on the affordability of school uniform we have: ensured the cost of school uniform is reasonable and secures the best value for money, ensured second hand uniforms are available, considered any procurement that is needed to comply with the contract and uniform supplier requirements within the guidance, ensured suppliers are members of the Schoolwear Association and abide by their policies, provided all our families with complimentary PE kits, stipulated that parents and carers can source uniform from any retailer they wish and do not require the school logo to be affixed to any pieces of clothing.