The welfare and safety of children who attend our school is our paramount concern. We promote the health, well-being and safety of the pupils in all we do.
Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. They have a right to be safe in our school.
The staff at Newcomen Primary School have a duty to report any concerns that they may have that any child may be at risk from significant harm or may be suffering significant harm, particularly as a consequence of possible abuse.
All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
All staff at Newcomen Primary School undergo a thorough safer recruitment and vetting process. We have a Safeguarding Team which consists of:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead and Primary School Representative on Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Miss K Pusztai (Head Teacher)
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr E Jones ( Deputy Head Teacher)
- Designated Governor for Safeguarding : Mr B Greenwood ( Vice Chair of Governors).
What to do if you think a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect
Keeping children safe is all our responsibility. Members of the public, as well as staff in helping agencies, can play a vital role in helping to protect children from abuse or neglect.
Whilst the child’s welfare is always the most important consideration, there is also a duty on professionals to work in partnership with parents, to provide support where necessary and to ensure that children remain with their families wherever possible.
If any member of the public thinks a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect, they should contact the local Children’s Services (formerly known as Social Services) or the NSPCC
If you are worried about a child please visit for more information about how to report your concerns.
During working hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
Redcar Multi-agency Hub
Daisy Lane, Overfields, Redcar
Tel: 01642 130700
Out of hours:
Emergency Duty Team
Tel: 01642 524 552
In an emergency
Contact Cleveland Police on: 101
NSPCC National Helpline
Tel: (0808) 8005000
NSPCC Whistleblowing Helpline
Tel: (0800) 028 0285
If a member of the public considers that there is an emergency situation, they should dial 999 for the Police
Supporting Documents
National Publications:
- Section 89 Education and Inspections Act 2006
- Advice_for_Parents_on_Cyberbullying_131114
- prevent-duty-departmental-advice-v6
- LGBT Resources and issues
- Working_Together_to_Safeguard_Children-2018
- What_to_do_if_you_re_worried_a_child_is_being_abused
- Sexual_violence_and_sexual_harassment_between_children_in_schools_and_colleges
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Signs of Safety Charter
School Publications:
Useful information:
Safeguarding Policies & Documents | Download |
Behaviour Policy | Download |
Child on Child Abuse Policy | Download |
Child Protection Policy | Download |
Online Safety Policy | Download |
Radicalisation Policy | Download |
Filtering and Monitoring | Download |
Our school Safeguarding Policies are currently under their annual review. – September 2024
During this time, our Safeguarding Policies will be followed in conjunction with statutory guidance in all our safeguarding arrangements