Pupil voice is given a real status at Newcomen Primary School; our children have many wonderful ideas and suggestions and they play a very important role within school. We believe that children need to be active participants in their own learning and to feel that their opinions will be heard and acted upon within our school and the wider community.

At Newcomen Primary School we seek ways to listen to the views of our pupils and involve them in decision-making so that they are engaged as partners in the life of the school.
We believe that this will make a positive contribution to the school environment and ethos. Pupil voice is embedded into the curriculum with teaching and learning activities being used to enable pupils to focus on how to make informed decisions about their lives, their health and well-being and the environment.
The children actively contribute to whole school policies including the Single Equality Statement in which they detail their role and responsibilities.
School Council
The School Council is run by Miss Pusztai (head teacher). Mrs Hobday, a member of our Governing Board, also attends weekly meetings.
“We know that our ideas and opinions count and are valued by all members of school. We know our voice can change the future and make a difference..!”
Democratic elections are held annually for class representatives on school council from Y3 to Y5. Class members vote for a male and female representative, who they believe to have the qualities needed, to be class representatives.
In addition, each September Y6 pupils put themselves forward for the much sought after positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Chair Person. The candidates write a letter of application and speak to all classes explaining why they consider themselves suitable for their chosen position. Whole school elections are then held for these high profile positions and votes are counted.
Together, school council represent and share the thoughts, ideas and concerns of their classes and they are proactive in developing school initiatives and driving them forward. They also play a vital role in the decision making process of changes.
All children’s opinions in our school are valued & we know we have the power to create a better future for our Newcomen family. We believe in our shared democratic voice and a shared coalition with our fellow peers.
School Council has also driven fundraising for: Children in Need, Comic Relief, Barnardo’s, Teesside Hospice, Christian Aid and Water Aid…to name a few!
Please see below for examples of our work together:
- Consultation on and shared work of wording of our Whole School Prayer and promoting the learning of our prayer
- Mission Statement (Believe Achieve Succeed) whole school discussion, consultation and approval
- Weekly Newcomen Newsflash to inform parents and carers
- Consultation on and shared work of Newcomen Primary School 10 Commandments Courtesy Code of Conduct
- Weekly running of Stationery Shop and ordering of stock from YPO
- Organisation of Christmas Fairs
- Organisation of Summer Enterprise
- Organisation of January Sales and Bargain Basement sales raising funds for year group conservation supporting projects and endangered species
- Design of MUGA – Multi Use Games Area
- Further development of our outdoor area with children choosing and voting on options
- Toilet refurbishment with children involved in the consultation process
- Regular consultation with our lunchtime catering staff
- Shared work to design and work on large scale mosaic in Learning Area 4 Redcar Today with local artist in residence
- Shared work to initiate, design and liaise with national artist regarding One World Our World Globe.
- Shared work to initiate, design and liaise with local sculptor regarding Leonardo sculpture.
Messages from the Pupils
- Our globe statue which I touched when I was in School Council and One World Our World.
- Having an ice-cream with each other for our hard work.
- I loved reading War Horse.
- I love art. It is really relaxing and makes me feel calm.
- Our family ethos.
- We love our school mascot and our brand-new statue of Leonardo.
- I Love RE because I love putting myself in the shoes of others and learning to be more compassionate and empathetic.
- I feel safe in school because the teachers look after you.
- Newcomen Primary School helps me spread my wings.
- My proudest achievement, which is becoming more confident, has had an impact on my social life.
- The teachers put us first.

- The best thing is that we have rewards for our hard work, and we have talent.
- Having Leonardo in our classroom after the spelling test.
- We have a kind head teacher.
- Getting 100% in my spellings almost every week because I want to achieve high marks as I believe knowledge is power.
- My proudest moment was getting 48/50 on a reading paper.
- When I received a part on School Council because it was my first time applying for this unique service. Moreover, I was proud of myself for showing courage and conquering my fear of public speaking.
- On the first day when we came back from Lockdown and everyone was reunited and found out their teachers because it was such a positive and beloved moment for all of us.
- Jumping off the highest part of the scatter logs as I have a phobia of heights.
- Before bike ability I was very wary whilst riding on the road; I am proud of achieving Level 1 and 2.
- My viewpoint on the best part of Class 14 is being taught by an incredible teacher.
- Although we were not able to do the SATS test this year, we still completed other tests and I am extremely proud of what I have achieved.
- Having fun whilst learning.
- Whilst spending several unforgettable years in Newcomen Primary School, this year was my last to try out for School Council and I am so proud I got in!
- Probably the art due to my burning passion towards this particular subject.
- I like how we revise learning frequently so it goes into your long-term memory.
- My proudest moment was being able to understand algebra.
- In our Leavers’ Assembly, I received a poem to learn by heart and I felt proud that my teachers thought I was capable of learning it.
- Succeeding at achieving the vital role of Secretary on School Council, I have made my voice heard.
- The best part was doing spellings.
- The best was getting 100% in our spellings and our visit from Leonardo.
- Reading 50 times at home and getting my certificate.
- The best part was learning about Robinson Crusoe.
- My proudest moment was getting my Head teacher’s Award.
- Our heroes’ wall, which represents amazing people who inspire us to follow their examples.
- Our school has inspirational quotes and displays right across the whole building. Adults encourage and support me and my peers to do the best we can.

- The best thing in Newcomen is being part of a family and staying together and feeling a sense of belonging (simul ut unum).
- All the teachers are expert at their job and passionate about our knowledge. Moreover, every teacher dedicates all their time to their pupils and to all things to benefit our learning.
- The outstanding teachers make sure you have a phenomenal education and ensure that you are safe.
- I believe the best thing about our school is the fact that all decisions around school are made from votes taken throughout school.
- The staff! The benevolent staff, who make sure our work is at the highest standard possible.
- The best thing about our school is all of the staff work unbelievably hard and are always dedicated to teach. As well as our learning, the teachers care about our safety and our well-being at this school.
- The caring and polite staff that you are surrounded by who can feel your emotions and help fix your situation.
- Naming the best thing about Newcomen Primary School is a difficult decision; there are so many great things about our school. If I had to choose, it would be the amount of effort that the staff put in to make sure we are all well-educated.
- How the teachers care about us.
- I believe that the school’s properties are all equally phenomenal. However, to only pick one, the best part of school is the outstanding staff.