We aim to use the Pupil Premium allocation to support attainment and maximise children’s potential in terms of learning, raised expectations, high aspiration, experiences and readiness for their next stage in education. At the heart of this, and integral to our approach, is an expectation of high-quality teaching for all children.

Our strategy is to maximise teaching capacity so that highly effective teachers work with those who need support the most. Therefore, a significant proportion of the funding we receive is focused on enhancing our teaching provision as we strongly believe this is where we can have the greatest impact on the life chances of the children who attend Newcomen Primary School. We know good teaching is the most important lever school’s have to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners. Having high aspirations for all children is seen as everyone’s responsibility in our ethos of shared accountability. Our mission Statement – Believe Achieve Succeed – underpins all we do at Newcomen Primary School.
The level of Pupil Premium funding varies year on year according to the number of children eligible for free school meals. The funding received by the school annually is used in a variety of ways to give all pupils every opportunity to achieve their potential and to help overcome any barriers to learning. We have utilised and implemented strategies that have been researched and analysed extensively to inform us of the best ways to use this funding.
Standards data clearly shows that children entitled to Pupil Premium Funding significantly outperform ‘all’ pupils nationally and that there is no difference between the attainment of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. We are extremely proud of this. The school has a proven track record in changing the life chances of all its pupils.
Newcomen Primary School is improving the life chances of its pupils.
Ofsted May 2022